Friday, August 8, 2008

Finally On Board

Top 10 reasons I decided to start blogging:

  • I have the gift of gab; I don't understand the concept of an unexpressed thought.
  • We don't have cable or satellite TV (and we don't text on our phones), so blogging makes me feel a little more high tech.
  • I research every imaginable topic on the internet and often feel the need to share all of this knowledge, no matter how trivial.
  • I need a place to brag on my really awesome kids and my wonderful husband.
  • I run a household and have two jobs, so I felt the need to do something with all of my spare time ;-)
  • Where else can you go to learn about sewing, embroidery, parenting, and environmental issues all in one place?
  • I'm an internet junkie.
  • I have a laptop imprint and a 2nd degree burn on my thighs from my internet addiction; I might as well do something useful with my computer time.
  • My husband blogs, so peer pressure has set in.
  • Blogging is free!!!